A friend of mine gave me the link to your website and thank goodness I had the sense to check it out. Your Cebu Visitors Guide is by far the most amusing, entertaining, informative, quirky, offbeat and right-on-the-dot info for visitors coming or now staying
in Cebu. And this praise comes from a true Cebuana---born, raised and lived here all my life. I couldn't stop smiling...sometimes even laughing profoundly while reading your scrutiny on anything and everything in this little gem of an island south of the Philippines. I'm impressed! Very impressed indeed! Wa'y blima! I'm definitely recommeding your site to family and friends. I'm pretty sure they will enjoy reading your most comprehensive, witty, and very honest view about Cebu and Cebuanos.
- Kristin [January 17, 2006]
WOW!! Totally awesome site. Makes me proud to be a Cebuano living in Calif. Kudos to the people behind this site-excellent and accurate articles about life in Cebu.Sites like these make me want to retire soon than later...CONGRATULATIONS. It might be a good idea to show photos of your staff..
- Greg [December 28, 2005]
I am so amazed, and still amazed after reading factual bits of information in your website. I could have not describe CEBU any better than what you have written. Nothing is far from the truth, it is so candid and so true! I know it could have not been written by a Cebuano, and yet you (the writer, whoever you are...) were referred as one. I can only congratulate you, I salute you...I did enjoy your website.
- Ramses [December 26, 2005]
Fantastic site, the best I've seen. Very informative, comprehensive and full of excellent picutres - Great job.
- Alex Patton
Kingston, TN, USA [November 15, 2005]
My wife and I still love your web site and the improvements since we first discoved it!
We both acknowledge the wisdom reflected in your: "Understanding Philippine Politics". My wife (born and raised in Mindano and whose father was a fisherman) still remenbers the secret police and the disappearence of people who spoke ill of Marcos. She feel that one major improvement since then is that you and others can speak out and still be alive; and with freedom of speech there is at least hope for real change and true democracy.
- Ken [October 22, 2005]
Truly the best Online Directory in Cebu and probably in the Philippines...
Keep us posted with new updates...
This site is the most interesting and helpful than other sites I've ever seen. One thing for sure you wont get bored by reading every column and looking at every pictures! Absolutely great site. Your site help promotes Cebu in a very great way. nice presentation and cool contents!!!!:)
Keep up the good work! Go Sugbo!!!
- irelerf [August 29, 2005]
To the Staff:
Good job for a wonderful web site. Very helpful and informative in the things you might have questions about Cebu. I've been recommending your sites to all the people I know and meet. I also use it a lot to keep me updated with the things around Cebu. Never been home for 4 years and I don't know if theres changes in Cebu recently. This site is the best! Hi to all my family and friends. I'm excited to go home next year for my big wedding event in February. See you later Cebu!
- r.d.liscombe [July 14, 2005]
Thanks for the write up. I was there last year and dove with a couple shops and swore never to set foot on their operations. I wish I remembered their names, but when I do, I'll let you know. First shop, the primary second stage was an octo and there was no octo. Second shop, the BC was leaking and was probably 20 years old. After those experience, I went with Scubaworld and was very happy with them. Equipments were in good condition and the dive master was very courteous.
- egaona1 [July 6, 2005]
I like your website. The layout is good and so is the writing style. You are a pleasant website address-- very informative, frank and helpful.
I hope more people would get to know about your website and experience the thrill of discovering a useful treasure trove of information. Entertainment, too!
God bless!
- Nito Gatus [June 26, 2005]
I have the pleasure to be (and work) here in Cebu for half a year (more than half of it is already over :-( ). Found some good advice here already, especially the shipping schedules seem to exist nowhere else in the Internet.
- Karsten [June 24, 2005]
For the time beeing my wife (Dutch/Cebuana) were very surprised to see your new website. Excellent. Congratulations. Surely we will visite it regularly.
- Anonymous [June 15, 2005]
Congratulations on an excellent website. Very relevant and well written
- Kevin [Jan 5, 2005]
Great Website. I am very impressed with the content, organization and graphic
presentation. Browsing the site makes all of us proud cebuanos.
- G. Parrilla [Jan 4, 2005]
I have found your web site to be very informative and entertaining. Thank
you for the effort you have put into this site.
- Jerry [Dec 26, 2004]
Very nice site. One thing I would like to add, BG color and Font colors are
barely readable for people that is not 20/20 vision (like me). Alternatively,
good to know that a Sugbuanon(?) created a good site to look at.
- Bobby [Dec 1, 2004]
This is one of the most informative site about cebu that i have visited.
- Anonymous [Nov 29, 2004]
I'm a Cebuano working in Saudi Arabia and came across your website and all
I can say is that you've done a great job in presenting Cebu in all aspects .
May you continue w/ your endeavour in promoting Cebu to the whole world as a
paradise island worth living.God bless and more power.
- Chris [Nov 24, 2004]
After a lot of searching on
the internet, finding a lot of outdated and under-researched web sites, I came
across yours. You've done an absolutely fantastic job and pretty much answered
a lot of questions for us.
- Rob and Avery [Nov 21, 2004]
Very imformative real estate section . I did note you did not include any of
the south subdivisions [...] But you do have one very imformative site...
- Bob [Nov 15, 2004]
May I congratulate you on an excellent site on Cebu! I don't think there's
any other site out there that rivals yours and it's a great thing that
wayblima is up.
- Dr. J. Bautista [Oct 28, 2004]
grabe, impressed
bitaw kaayo ko sa imong gihimo. maayo ang pagka-present sa cebu and
all its perks. it feels nice nga naa gyu'y site na para sa mga
cebuanos that somehow makes us proud... :)
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